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Seenagers and their super sarees - Seven Sarees

Seenagers and their super sarees

Seenagers’ super saree selections

Seenagers are women who held a lot of responsibilities in their youth and enjoy freedom of teenage only  in their fifties and sixties. Also, seenagers are experts at selecting sarees and most of them have a little money and some time to space for shopping. Let’s join them in their shopping experience.

Quick to pick up new trends- 

Seenagers have years of experience in selecting sarees. They are quick to spot new colours, new designs and never before done combinations of shades. They also look forward to see what’s new and their sharp eyes notice anything that is cute and unique.

Their style is evolved

Seenagers know what textures, colours and designs suit them. They know which sarees are the most comfortable for chilling, which ones will turn heads, and which style of draping they like the best. They also drape their sarees really well and really quickly because they wore sarees a lot more than the young women of the 21st century.

The original swappers

It may be the trend today for women to use their expensive clothes just a few times and then swap them with friends. But seenagers did it all the time. When they were young daughters they would pick ten of their mom’s best sarees and use them for a couple of months and then exchange them with one of their sisters for a selection of ten lovelies from her wardrobe. That is why they are legendary for never having repeated their sarees for months on end. See how they managed that?

So, if you want some one to help you select a saree, just ask a seenager. She will help you select the perfect saree for the occasion in the shortest period of time.

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