इसे छोड़कर सामग्री पर बढ़ने के लिए
Of Sarees and Farewells - Seven Sarees

Of Sarees and Farewells


It is here. The end of an era. Your childhood’s fondest memories ready to be gift wrapped and stowed away as you make your next chapter in life’s journey. What’s better than to mark the occasion by dressing up for it? Definitely, people wish to celebrate common experiences that built life long bonds by selecting the right costume for  their “Farewell party”

Choosing the Right Saree

Farewell parties are high on emotions. People are supercharged and a few very teary eyed. But it is also the absolute last chance to make impressive memories. Last impressions matter as much as first impressions! You are now here to say goodbye in style. And anytime one wants to combine style and statement, there is no better choice than the quintessential saree!

Your first choice would be to take a dip into mom’s wardrobe. She has a great collection and is more than happy to share. But pray wait! What if you don’t find what you like? What if mom is biased towards Paithani and you like natural dyed Ajrakhs? And much as she would love to lend you her favourite sarees, she would also jump at the chance to help you find one for yourself.

Styling the Saree Differently

It is always better therefore, to buy your first saree yourself. You can see from a wide variety of options of not just saree types but also prints, embroidery, colors etc and choose what represents you or is closest to representing your personal style.

Secondly, you can ditch the traditional drape and choose to style it differently. Make a small dhoti and then throw the saree over your shoulder. Create a halter neck visual by choosing to wrap the saree around your neck instead of the traditional pallu. Go crazy with self expression!

Getting the Blouse Stitched

Thirdly comes the blouse! Once you have decided on your drape, get your blouse stitched accordingly. You can choose from plain, simple, backless, sleeveless, tube styled, halter necks and so on! There are just so many ways and many skilled tailors to get this done from.


There you go. You look all set to dazzle the farewell party! Go , have a blast!

पिछला लेख 7 Sarees to gift your wife

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